Our online calculators provide a resource that is focused on you and your financial goals. They can assist you to make responsible financial decisions focused on your financial ability and goals.
- The Mortgage Affordability Calculator helps you to determine how much you can borrow.
- The Mortgage Payment Calculator estimates the amount of a morgage payment and generates an amortization schedule for payments.
- The Mortgage Comparison Calculator establishes which mortgage product is right for you.
- The Loan Calculator helps to determine the amount you can borrow and what your repayment schedule might be.
- The Retirement Planner Calculator determines the amount of savings that you will need to retire comfortably. By flagging any shortfalls or surpluses, the calculator outlines the savings required to reach your financial goals for retirement.
- The Education Savings Calculator assists in determining the cost of a child's post-secondary education and maps out the savings required through individual contributions and government grants to meet the financial target.
- The RRIF Calculator provides withdrawal minimums and payment options based on consumption and length of the investment.
- The TFSA Calculator helps to quantify the financial benefits of investing through TFSAs where investment income is shielded from taxes.